Support SmallSQL Database


Before you open a support call you should make a look in our Documentation and our FAQ. We will answer first questions that are not answer on our website.

Bug reports and feature requests

Never software is free of bugs. That's we accept your bug reports very happy and will send you a fix ASAP. The best way to send us a bug report is to send us a JUnit test case. Of course you can send us a bug report as description of the bug. You can send your bug report to the bug report tracker at SourceForge. A JDBC log can be very helpful.


Documentation Error

If you have find an error in our documentation or on our website or you missing some information's then send the info also to the bug report tracker.


Feature Request

If you need some additional feature like additional SQL functions or additional SQL Syntax, etc then send a feature request to the feature request tracker.


Support Request

If you have any question to our product then send a support request to the support request tracker with your question.


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